Production of Organic Agriculture Products and Establishment of Organic Healthy Bars

Project N 109
Published on: 24.07.2020

Alberta Odame Awuah

Project Coordinator

Project Description

My family has a successful history in farming. I have acquired a fruitful farmland 45 acres of land. The farm has huge spaces with few livestock (cow, goats, sheep and pigs) poultry, (chickens, ducks) and Old fish ponds with Tilapia (fishery production). In addition the land contains 15 acres of cocoa farm, few acres of food crops (cassava, maize, plantain, rice) and the remaining acres untouched.
My newest challenge is developing the current production and creating avenues to make profit.
My idea is to become a farmer and a wholesaler of organic agriculture products with the establishment Organic Healthy Bars across the country. This will provide organic meals (organic coffee, tea, fruits, vegetables, salads, fresh fruit juices and smoothies).
Project Details
  1. Purchase of farm machinery and equipment (tractors, cold storage, working gears, supply vans, packaging materials, Live stocks feeds, etc.)
  2. Renovation of fish ponds,  renovation of accommodation for farm workers, renovation of livestock sheds.

Investment (Project) Period from
: 1-Jan-2021  to  31-Dec-2025
Investment return terms and conditions: 10% Annually  starting from 2023-01-01  

Marketing and Sales Method  

We will use channels such as our online order services, e-mails, social media, tracking service, personal invitations to our shop, picking up points, feedback’s (self advertisements)  Newsletters.

Operations Management  
Employing community workers, using locally sourced Eco materials, environmental friendly (solar energy) Intensive daily advertisement and promotion  through the marketing channels.

Project Financing  
I need Capital, investors and partners, (knowledge, expertise to further develop my a business.)  

Project Timetable  
1st Phase: January 2021 to June 2021, The renovation of the farm.
2nd Phase:  July 2021,
Purchasing of equipment and machinery.  Preparation of the farm will start from 1st August 2021 due to the rainy season.
3rd Phase: September 2021 start of production.

Exit Strategy
Exit strategy include a merger acquisition, Availability to release more shares to investors.

Additional Information  
I see  more demand from the agriculture sector, which is an opportunity for my business to be sustainable in Ghana.
I intend to contribute to creating social and economic stabilization for the local people.