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Legal library

You can find online legal literature at Lexis. We also publish the list of the books and other materials available at our law office that may be helpful to those interested in legal matters.

You can use our office library in accordance with the Terms and conditions approved by the Office.

Become An Author

Create online legal library with us.

We announce collection of electronic legal literature to publish in our website. We are constructing a special page of legal library in Lexis that will be open for free use.

Scientific materials from other fields, such as economics, finance, technologies and more are also possible to publish, if they refer to the scope and objectives of Lexis.

Publishing with us is free.

Join us

You may join our authors’ team to publish your articles in the field of law.

Fill in your details and we’ll be in touch.


Samples of legal documents

These forms may be helpful for creating legal documents (in Armenian)

Order A Document

To draft your required document you may fill in the form and submit us.
Our specialists will contact you immediately.

Submission form

Attorney inquiry

To get information or documents from different bodies and organizations you can apply us.
You do not need to visit our office to receive your documents. We will reach you in the shortest period.

Keep testing​

Tests for Law Students

Lexis publishes quiz tests for law students. The test questions are from different spheres of law based on Armenian legislation.

For preparing the tests we have used the materials of exam tests of the Advocates School of Armenia.

So, the tests are also useful for the applicants of the Advocates School of RA. The Tests are only in Armenian.

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